Thursday, January 13, 2011

moving. and moving. and packing. and gone.

last night in this one horse town. can't seem to get everything done. for instance, adjusting my ticket to allow for my luggage and a later return flight. and i have laundry sitting in the washing machine which might smell funny by now... or be ruined... i kind of just threw everything in together in some kind of drunken haste. at least i have friends who are willing to keep my prized possessions if they dont all fit into my bags. how did i get sooooo much stuff??

also i am going to miss this strange little island. i am sure there are places i havent explored. that i will likely never explore. and there are finally people here that i like. erm that is to say i finally found the people i like. and what will i do without yoga and a place to skate??

the organization is likely to be flipped flopped dropped on its head but that another story.

i hope the fortune teller has good news. ughhhh packing...

1 comment:

  1. Professional movers regularly assess the property prior to initiating the packing of the stuffs.

    Movers in Clarksburg MD
